Rasbora - Harlequin - IN STORE ONLY
Mostly inhabits gently flowing sections of forest streams and tributaries where submerged aquatic plants such as Cryptocoryne species grow thickly. This species seems to do best under fairly dim lighting and plant species from genera such as Microsorum, Taxiphyllum, Cryptocoryne, and Anubias are recommended since they will grow under such conditions. In the aquarium it’s easily-fed but the best condition and colours offer regular meals of small live and frozen foods such as bloodworm, Daphnia, and Artemia, alongside good quality dried flakes and granules.
This species is very peaceful indeed making it an ideal resident of the well-maintained community tank and an unreserved recommendation for those new to fishkeeping.
As it places no special demands in terms of water chemistry it can be combined with many of the most popular fish in the hobby including other small cyprinids as well as tetras, livebearers, dwarf cichlids, catfishes, and loaches.
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