Water Garden Gems Garden Center
Duncan - Single Head (IN STORE ONLY)
Duncan - Single Head (IN STORE ONLY)
Common Name: Duncan Coral, Whisker Coral
Latin Name: Duncanopsammia axifuga
Difficulty Level: Beginner
Colors: Green, Blue, Purple/Pink
Temperament: Peaceful. They pose little threat to other corals or tank-mates. Simply give these corals space for growth.
Growth Speed: Medium – Fast. Duncans can be fed brine or mysis shrimp weekly to increase their growth rates.
Tank Placement: Middle to lower part of the tank, including the sand bed.
Lighting Intensity: Medium to High. Around 100 PAR is a great starting point for many duncans.
Water Flow: Moderate (indirect flow) Their polyps should wave gently without being slammed by flow, as too much direct flow can cause tissue damage or hinder food capture.
Temperature: 78°F / 25.5°C, though they can adapt to temperatures as low as 77°F and as high as 84°F. We keep all of our tanks at 78°F
pH: 8.1-8.4, ideally around 8.2-8.3.
Nitrate: 5-10 ppm, keeping levels stable.
Phosphate: 0.05-0.1 ppm, keeping levels stable.
Alkalinity: 9 dKh