Water Garden Gems Garden Center
Fungia Plate - Orange 2-3" (IN STORE ONLY)
Fungia Plate - Orange 2-3" (IN STORE ONLY)
Common Name: Fungia, Plate Coral
Latin Name: Fungia fungites
Difficulty Level: Advanced
Colors: Greens, Purples, Oranges, Mixed
Temperament: Plate corals can be semi-aggressive and can damage other corals if they come into contact with them
Growth Speed: Medium – Fast. Plate Plate corals, like Fungia Plate Corals, are photosynthetic and can get nutrients from the algae living in their tissues. However, they also need supplemental food to thrive. Here are some tips for feeding plate corals
Tank Placement: Bottom of the tank.
Lighting Intensity: Plate corals can do well in low light around 50 PAR, but some may require moderate to high lighting levels.
Water Flow: Low to moderate (indirect flow) Their polyps should wave gently without being slammed by flow, as too much direct flow can cause tissue damage or hinder food capture.
Temperature: 72°F / 84°F
Salinity: 1.023 - 1.025
pH: 8.1-8.4
Nitrate: Below 10
Phosphate: 0.05-0.1 ppm, keeping levels stable.
Alkalinity: 8-12 dKh